Mariana-Ionela MocanuProfessor, PhD Habil.

areas of expertise



PhD 1994

Mariana Mocanu, full professor, with habilitation, was head of the Computer Science Department between 2016 – 2020. Currently she is member of the Faculty Council. She designed and set-up the”e-Governance” master study programm.
She leads the research team for Decision Support Systems Based on Geospacial Data. Her research activity count the participation in over 25 national and international projects (team leader / member) and was disseminated in over 100 scientific papers ( being quoted over 350 times). She coordinated the H2020 Twinning project: Data4Water (2016-2018). She is co-author of 2 patents.
She is currently involved in the project: „Creation, Operational and Development of the National Center of Competence in the field of Cancer”, NextGenerationEU – PNRR Project, no. 760009/30.12.2022, code 14, as Leader of Work Package: Conceptual design and specification of the National Network to Combat Cancer.
She is also WP Leader at UPB: Innovative teaching and Learning Hub, in the Erasmus project for European Universities, 101124676 – EELISA.
KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education project – Avionic. She participated in other 9 Tempus and ERASMUS projects (team leader / member) several being related to quality assurance and development of qualifications in HE. She was member of the national team that developed, implemented and self-assessed the National Qalification Framework and coordinated the team that developed the National Register for Qualifications in Higher Education.
She participated in several activities concerning the development of digital society, like: coordinator of the team that published the report “Industrie 4.0 in Rumänien. Einblicke und Ausblicke”, published in “Abhandlungen der Leibnitz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften, Band 54 – Industrie 4.0 zwischen Idee und Realität; participation at the Annual conference of the International Network on Cultural Diversity and New Media at the University of Potsdam, 2019.
She also coordinates World University Service – Romanian Committee, an NGO that promotes the human right to education.

The best way to predict your future is to create it (Abraham Lincoln)

Top publications

‐ Predescu, A; Arsene, D; Mocanu, M; Lupu, C.: Evaluation of multiple model control strategies for pumping stations in a water distribution system, 2020 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM THEORY, CONTROL AND COMPUTING (ICSTCC); WOS:000646582900120
‐ Pahontu, B; Arsene, D; Predescu, A; Mocanu, M.: Application and challenges of Blockchain technology for real-time operation in a water distribution system; 2020 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM THEORY, CONTROL AND COMPUTING (ICSTCC); WOS: 000646582900122
‐ Diana-Andreea Arsene, Bogdan-Ionut Pahontu, Alexandru Predescu, Mariana Mocanu and Ciprian Lupu: A Hyperledger integration for audit-enhanced decision support in a smart water distribution system, ICCP 2020 Cluj-Napoca, sept 2020, WOS: 000646618600063
‐ Predescu, Alexandru; Arsene, Diana; Pahontu, Bogdan; Mocanu, Mariana; Chiru, Costin: A Serious Gaming Approach for Crowdsensing in Urban Water Infrastructure with Blockchain Support, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL; Volume: 11; Issue: 4; Article Number: 1449; 2021; DOI: 10.3390/app11041449, [Jurnal Q2] Factor de impact: 2.474; WOS:000632104500001
‐ Christias, P; Mocanu, M: A Machine Learning Framework for Olive Farms Profit Prediction; WATER; Volume13; Issue23; Article Number 3461, DOI10.3390/w13233461; Published DEC 2021; [Jurnal Q2]; IF:3.53; WOS:000735091900001
‐ Hangan, A; Chiru, CG; Arsene, D; Czako, Z; Lisman, DF; Mocanu, M; Pahontu, B; Predescu, A; Sebestyen, G: Advanced Techniques for Monitoring and Management of Urban Water Infrastructures-An Overview; WATER, Volume14, Issue14; Article Number 2174, DOI10.3390/w14142174, Published JUL 2022, Factor de impact: IF:3.53, [Jurnal Q2], WOS:000832235300001
‐ Arsene, D; Predescu, A; Truica, CO; Apostol, ES; Mocanu, M; Chiru, C: Consumer profile evaluation in a water distribution network using clustering and classification methods; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL, COMPUTER AND ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES (ICECET 2021); Page1691-1696; DOI10.1109/ICECET52533.2021.9698737; Published 2021; Indexed 2022-07-10; WOS:000814669100289
‐ D. Arsene, A. Predescu, M. Stuparu, C. -O. Truică, M. Mocanu and C. Chiru, “Predicting consumption events in a water monitoring system,” 2022 26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), Sinaia, Romania, 2022, pp. 74-79, doi: 10.1109/ICSTCC55426.2022.9931811. WOS:000889980600014
‐ D. Arsene, A. Predescu, C. -O. Truică, E. -S. Apostol, M. Mocanu and C. Chiru, “Clustering Consumption Activities in a Water Monitoring System,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/AQTR55203.2022.9801952. WOS:000890261900008
‐ Pahontu, Bogdan-Ionut; Arsene, Diana-Andreea; Predescu, Alexandru; Mocanu, Mariana; Gheorghita, Alexandru: Blockchain-based Decision Support System for Water Management; Studies and Informatics and Control; Volume 32; Issue 3; Page 131-140; DOI 10.24846/v32i3y202312; Published SEP 2023, WOS:001161834200001

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