Bogdan DumitrescuProfessor Habil.

areas of expertise
- Numerical methods
- Sparse representations
- Dictionary learning
- Signal processing, optimization
- PhD – 1993
Bogdan Dumitrescu received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1987 and 1993, respectively,
from University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania. He is now a Professor with the Department of Automatic Control and Computers, University Politehnica of Bucharest, where he works since 1990. He held several visiting research positions at Tampere University of Technology, Finland, in particular that of FiDiPro fellow (2010-2013). He was Associate Editor (2008-2012) and Area Editor (2010-2014) at IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. He authored the book “Positive trigonometric polynomials and signal processing applications” and coauthored “Dictionary learning algorithms and applications”. His scientific interests are in optimization, numerical methods, and their applications to signal processing, especially using sparse representations.
Top publications
- B.Dumitrescu, A.Băltoiu, Ş.Budulan, “Anomaly Detection in Graphs of Bank Transactions for Anti Money Laundering Applications”, IEEE Access, vol.10, pp.47699-47714, June 2022. published paper
- A. Băltoiu, D.C. Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu, “Dictionary learning with cone atoms and application to anomaly detection”, Signal Processing, vol.219, art.109398, June 2024: published paper
- D.C. Ilie-Ablachim, A. Băltoiu, B.Dumitrescu, “Sparse Representation With Gaussian Atoms and Its Use in Anomaly Detection”, IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, vol.5, pp.168-176, 2024. published paper
- D.C. Ilie-Ablachim, B.Dumitrescu, “Incoherent frames design and dictionary learning using a distance barrier”, Signal Processing, vol.209, art. 109019, August 2023: published paper