Ioana FagarasanProfessor Habil.

areas of expertise
  • Control systems
  • Fault detection and diagnosis
  • Digital twin (Modeling and simulation of industrial processes)
  • Cyber-physical systems (smart-grid, smart-city, smart-agriculture)
  • PhD in Automation, Faculty of Control System and Computer Science
    Master in Control systems and Informatics for Power Systems, Faculty of Power Engineering
    National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB)
  • Postoctoral in Diagnosis and detection of faults in industrial processes, Grenoble National Polytechnic Institute (INPG)

The didactic and research experience within the Department of Automation and Industrial Informatics, the Faculty of Control System and Computer Science, has been consolidated since 1996 and until now, successively working on positions of teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor, full professor. The didactic and research activity was carried out both in the national and in European universities (e.g. Grenoble National Polytechnic Institute, Darmstadt Technical University). Between 2002-2004 I obtained through a competition a position of associate professor within the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (France), the National School of Electrical Engineers of Grenoble (ENSIEG – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d ‘Ingeniers Electriciens de Grenoble). The scientific activity was supported by the participation in approx. 30 research and development projects, of which 9 under my coordination, involving masters or doctoral students and young researchers in research and development teams. The obtained results were published in the international flow of publications, were transferred to the economic environment and were finalized with a patent (Făgărășan, I., etc. 2018) and a prototype for a simulator of practical control diagrams being used in educational platforms. Between 2010-2019 I coordinated as UPB responsible five POSDRU institutional development projects for the development of the university curriculum in the field of Systems Engineering (IS) and for improving the practical activity of the students in the field of IS. I am the author of 18 books, numerous articles and scientific papers at national and international conferences. Between 2016 -2020, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, carrying out activities of research activities coordination and quality assurance activities. From 2020 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, for coordination of bachelor studies development and training.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

Work experience
2020-present: Vice-Dean, Coordination of Batchelor education programs, POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Control System and Computer Science
2016-2020: Vice-Dean, Coordination of research activity and quality assurance, POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Control System and Computer Science
1996 – present: Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Control System and Computer Science, Department of Automation and Industrial Informatics
Working in:
• Graduate Teaching: Control System Theory; System Analysis in Industrial Informatics; Information in Power Processes; Power System Automation and Control; System Testing and Quality Assurance
• Master/ Post-graduate Teaching: Fault detection and diagnosis of industrial processes; Hierarchical Large Scale Systems Control;
• Research projects in the field of: Process control and automation, Numerical protection in electrical substation, Fault detection and diagnosis systems
• Publishing of specific scientific papers and books
• Coordination of diploma projects and master final essays
• Leading educational and research laboratory activities

2010– 2015: Programme Officer, Project Officer, – Coordination and monitoring regarding research programme/ projects, UEFISCDI – Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding,
2006 – 2010: Project Officer, Coordination and monitoring regarding research projects in automation and industrial informatics field, Centrul National de Management Programe,
2002 – 2004: associated teaching and research personal, ENSIEG (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble), INPG
Working in:
• Graduate Teaching for the 2nd year students (2nd Cycle) ENSIEG (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble), INPG: Control System Theory; Identification Systems; State Space Representation.
• International research projects: European Project EU-IST-2000-30009 « Multi Agent –based Diagnostic Data Acquisition and Management in Complex Systems » MAGIC, Project Coordinator Dr. –Ing. Brigit Koeppen-Seliger, Gerhard-Mercator, University of Duisburg; Involved Partners: Gerhard-Mercator, University of Duisburg (Germany), University of Karlsruhe, (Germany), National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, INPG, (France), SMS Demag (Germany), SATE srl (Italy)
1995 – 1996: project engineer, design of automatic control diagrams for power plants operation, Institutul de Studii si Proiectari Energetice – Institute of Power Studies and Design

Projects involvement:
2005-2018: Research activities through research projects leading 4 projects (selective list):

Pn1. (2016-2018) UEFISCDI Contract no: 72BG/2016, PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0234, Advanced Process Management System for Intelligent Specialization in the Energy Domain (ASID), Project Director: Ioana FĂGĂRĂŞAN;
Pn2. (2016-2018) UEFISCDI Contract no: 82BG/2016, PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0387 Energy Efficient Automation and Telemetry System for the management of Resources in Precision Agriculture (SA-TERRA);
Pn3. (2016-2018) PNCDI III – PTE-INNOVATION-Solution for the efficient integration of wind and photovoltaic power plants in the national energy system,
Pn4. (2008-2006) Research contract MEC-UEFISCSU 15031/07.04.2006, CEEX – MODULE 2; Project code 43, Fault-tolerant control methods implementable in distributed systems, Project Director Ioana FĂGĂRĂŞAN;
Pn5. (2009-2007) AMCSIT 2007, PNCDI II, Program 5, 85/25.09.2007: Innovation, Modular systems for simulating the automatic control of industrial processes dedicated to multifunctional educational platforms, Partner: UPB, Director Ioana FĂGĂRĂŞAN;
Pn6. (2007-2005) Research contract MEC-UEFISCSU2969/11.10.2005, CEEX – MODULE 2; Project code 77, Advanced control system that can be integrated into a distributed energy process automation system;
Pn7. (2006-2005) CNCSIS research contract, AT56 / 27692/2005; 139/2006, Computer assisted integrated teaching, learning and testing system in the detection and diagnosis of defects in industrial installations, Project Director Ioana FĂGĂRĂŞAN;

2010-2023: Coordinating educational and research activities at faculty level, leading 5 institutional development projects:

(2019-2023) POCU/379/6/21/124651 “Attracting candidates (future students) to tertiary engineering university education and their training for current labor market application”, Project manager P2 UPB: I. FAGARASAN;
(2019-2023) POCU/320/6/21/122333 “New and flexible educational offers in tertiary university and non-university technical education in line with new labor market requirements”,
Project manager P4 UPB: I. FAGARASAN;
(2014-2015) POSDRU/161/2.1/G/134386 “From School Let’s orient ourselves and prepare for an Active Life (SHIVA)”, UPB project manager: I. FAGARASAN;
(2012-2013) POSDRU/109/2.1/G/82454 “I want to do the internship to become a smart engineer”, UPB project manager: I. FAGARASAN;
(2010-2013) POSDRU /86/1.2/S/63806 “National network of centers for the development of study programs with flexible routes and some didactic tools for bachelor’s and master’s specializations in the field of Systems Engineering”, UPB project manager: I FAGARASAN;
2000-2023: 24 Articles published in international scientific journals (selective list):
(2023) Simoiu, M.S, Fagarasan, I., Ploix, S., Calofir, V. – Managing human involvement in an energy community: Application to a subway station, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 95, 104597
(2022) SIMOIU M.-Şt., FAGARASAN I, -Modeling the energy community members? willingness to change their behaviour with multi-agent systems: A stochastic approach RENEWABLE ENERGY, WOS:000822701300003
(2021) SIMOIU M.-Şt., FAGARASAN I, -Optimising the self-consumption and self-sufficiency: A novel approach for adequately sizing a photovoltaic plant with application to a metropolitan station, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, WOS: 000735847700006, IF: 11.072, Q1: ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL
(2019) Stamatescu, G.; Fagarasan, I.; Sachenko, A. -Sensing and Data-Driven Control for Smart Building and Smart City Systems, JOURNAL OF SENSORS, WOS:000466426200001; (FI 2.057) Q2-ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC
(2017) STAMATESCU I., ARGIRA N., FĂGĂRĂŞAN I., Decision Support System for a Low Voltage Renewable Energy System, Energies, WOS:000392422500117, Q2 ENERGY and FUEL
(2008)I. FĂGĂRĂŞAN, S. St. ILIESCU, D. HOSSU, A comparation of model and signal based fault detection methods, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy -series A, Ed. Academiei Romane, WOS:000261604300011
(2004) FĂGĂRĂŞAN I., PLOIX, S., GENTIL, S., Causal Fault Detection and Isolation Based on Set-membership Approach, Automatica, ISSN 0005-1098, WOS:000224816300009
1998-2022: 69 Articles in conference proceedings (selective list):

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President, PRECIS