Liliana GrigoriuDr. Dipl-Inform., Ph.D

areas of expertise
  • Operations Research(especially scheduling, production planning, vehicle routing)
  • Combinatorial Optimization, especially Approximation Algorithms
  • Computer Networks
  • Formal Semantics
  • Software Engineering
  • Ph.D. Texas A&M University (Computer Science)
  • Diplom in Informatik(Computer Science) Technische Universität Berlin
  • Doctorate in Systems Engineering Politehnica University Bucharest

After studying Computer Science at Technische Universitat Berlin, Liliana Grigoriu obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science at Texas A&M University and a doctorate in Systems Engineering from Politehnica University Bucharest. As a doctoral research stage, she visited for 6 months with the group Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms at the Department of Mathematics at TU-Berlin. Her main research focuses on Operations Research and approximation algorithms for NP-hard scheduling problems. She is also interested in the use of technology to foster psychological well-being and health, and has completed an 18-month study for psychological advisors (life coaches) at Impulse Schule Wuppertal. As part of her work at the University of Siegen, she led projects in cooperation with local industry, such as the development of software that does production planning for the automotive industry and of software for planning taxi routes. She also led the project of introducing the Internet protocol IPv6 into the network of the University of Siegen using dual-stack technology for one year and a half, addressing among other aspects network security and the safe introduction of IPv6 for services. Her teaching adresses areas such as programming, algorithms and data structures, high-performance computing and operating systems.

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” (Tolkien in “Lord of the Rings”)


Politehnica University Bucharest, Bucharest Romania      (10.2009 – 10.2012)

Doctorate, Systems Engineering,  grade: foarte bine / very good

Research Visit at the Department of Mathematics at TU-Berlin (4.2011- 9.2011)

with the group of Professor Martin Skutella (Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms)

Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas                       (1.2001 – 12.2009)

Ph.D., Computer Science, GPA: 3.81/4, graduation on 15.5.2010

(not enrolled in the periods 6.01 – 8.01, 6.07 – 8.07, 1.08 – 8.08, 6.09 – 8.09)

Technical University of Berlin, Berlin Germany                  (10.1996 – 12.2000)

Masters of Science (Diplom) in Computer Science, GPA: 1.11 (with distinction)

Politehnica University Bucharest, first year of study, GPA 9.71/10

                                                                                                  (10.1994 – 9.1995)


Politehnica University Bucharest, Faculty of Control and Computers, Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Bucharest, Romania                                                                                           (2019 –   now)


– 11/2020 – 8/2021 Participation in project  “Increasing the security of mobile communications through multichannel key exchange” participated at the development of the  end-to-end version  of the communication security protocol SMKEX  (TRL4) in cooperation with representatives of  the company Certsign

– participation in committee for preparing students for the admission exam (2020, 2021 und 2022),  in the committee for preparing a study curriculum in English language(2/2019 – 7/2020),  and in the committee “Teaching HUB” (2023-2024)

University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany                       (Mai 2017 –  Dec.2019)

Research Associate at Zentrum für Informations- und Medientechnologie , Group Infrastruktur, main activity area: Networking; led the project of introducing the internet protocol IPv6 into the network of University of Siegen, especially addressing security, the usage of IPv6 for services, and holding classes on the topic for other employees.

University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany                          (Nov. 2014 – Jan. 2017)

Postdoctoral research associate and project leader: supervised and helped with the execution of projects in cooperation with the industry. Successfully led and finished a project with regard to production planning for Bilsing Automation. Led the design phase of a project with regard to scheduling of taxi vehicles for Taxi Schmidt (addressing a variant of the dial-a-ride problem), and participated in two further projects concerning production planning.

University of Siegen,  Siegen, Germany                        (Apr. 2014 – Oct. 2014)

Postdoctoral research associate with teaching duties

Independently taught the class “Produktion” (Production) in which 1070 students were enrolled, decided about the equivalence of this class with classes at other universities, composed the written exam, held oral examinations, found grading assistants and supervised the grading

Politehnica University Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania       (10.2013 – 3.2014)

Postdoctoral associated teaching staff

University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany                      (Sept. 2011 –  Sept. 2013)

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX                       (Jan.2001 – May 2009)

Teaching / Research Assistant (except 6.01 – 8.01, 6.07 – 8.07, 1.08 – 8.08)

Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany              (Jan.1997 – Dec.2000)

Undergraduate teaching and research assistant Internship

Daimler-Chrysler                                                        (Sept.1999 – Oct.1999)

Software Engineering Internship

Developed system specification and test framework using the Rational Tool Suite, to report a general impression on tool usefulness and how tool weaknesses can be circumvented




POSDRU Fellowship

(at Politehnica Univ. Bucharest)                                          (Oct.2009 – Sept.2012)

Texas A&M University,

Fellowship                                                                            (Jan. 2001 – Apr.2002)

Friedrich-Naumann Foundation,

Department for talented students                                       (Oct.1998 – Dec.2000)

Daimler Foundation Research and Technology                     (Apr.1998 – Dec.2000)


(as instructor) at Texas A&M University: Formal Languages and Automata (CPSC 433),

at Universität Siegen: Seminar Modeling with OPL, Production,

at Politehnica University Bucharest: High-Performance Computing in Computing Systems in Medicine, Data Structures and Algorithms (Geman course name: Datenstrukturen und  Betriebssysteme),  Progamming of Computers and Programming Languages,

(as teaching assistant) at Texas A&M University: Analysis of Algorithms (CPSC 629), Introduction to programming concepts (CPSC 111), Algorithms (CPSC 311),

at Technische Universität Berlin: Category Theory 1 (TU Berlin), Petri Nets (TU Berlin) ,

at University of Siegen: Seminar Operations Research, Seminar Quantitative Planning, Production, also graded exams for Decision Calculations

at Politehnica University Bucharest: Object-Oriented Programming, Programming Languages, Numerical Methods, Analysis of Algorithms



Journal contributions:

Liliana Grigoriu and Donald K. Friesen: “Approximation for scheduling on uniform nonsimultaneous parallel machines” Journal of Scheduling, December 2017, Vol. 20, Issue 6, pp. 293 – 600,

Liliana Grigoriu and Dirk Briskorn “Scheduling jobs and maintenance activities subject to job- dependent machine deteriorations” Journal of Scheduling, April 2017, Vol. 20 Issue 2, pp. 183-197

Marouf Aldosari, Liliana Grigoriu, Hamed Sohrabpoor, Nima E. Gorji “Modeling of depletion width variation over time in thin film photovoltaics”, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol 30, No 5, February 20161650044 (2016) [11 pages] DOI: 10.1142/S0217984916500445

Liliana Grigoriu and Donald K. Friesen “Scheduling on Uniform Processors with at most one Downtime on each Machine”, Discrete Optimization, August 2015, Vol. 17, pp. 14 – 24

Liliana Grigoriu and Riccardo Bettati “Availability for low-priority traffic of a hybrid free space optical and radio frequency wireless link”, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C, No. 75 (2),  pp. 169 – 180, 2013

Liliana Grigoriu and Donald K. Friesen “Scheduling on Same-Speed Processors with at most one Downtime on each Machine”, Discrete Optimization, November 2010, Vol. 7, pp. 212 – 221

Liliana Grigoriu “Availability of a hybrid FSO/RF link while using the link’s diversity for packet scheduling”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (to appear)

Conference Proceedings:

Liliana Grigoriu, “Linear-time approximation for minimum subset sum and subset sum”, Proceedings of the 13th  workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), pp. 143 – 145, 2017


Liliana Grigoriu and Donald K. Friesen, “Scheduling on uniform nonsimultaneous parallel machines”,  Martin Fink et al. (eds.)  Operations Research Proceedings 2016 – Selected papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Hamburg August 30 – September 2, 2016,  to appear, Springer 2017

Liliana Grigoriu and Donald K. Friesen: “Approximation for scheduling on uniform processors with at most one downtime on each machine”, Proceedings of the 12th  workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), La Roche en Ardennes. Belgium, June 8 – June 12, pp. 131 – 133, 2015

Liliana Grigoriu : “Multiprocessor scheduling with fixed jobs or downtimes”, Proceedings of the 11th  workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), pp. 58 – 60, 2013

Liliana Grigoriu, “Multiprocessor scheduling with availability constraints”, S. Helber et al. (eds.)  Operations Research Proceedings 2012 – Selected papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Hannover 6 – 8 September 2012,  pp. 423 – 427, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00795-3_63, Springer 2014

Liliana Grigoriu, “Using Link Diversity for Real-Time Scheduling in Hybrid Wireless Links” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Communications and Computer Applications (DCCA07), March 2007, Amman, Jordan, pp. 1275 – 1283


Liliana Gentiana Alex. Grigoriu “Multiprocessor scheduling with availability constraints”  [College Station, Tex.] : [Texas A & M University], [2010] ebook, link in worldcat:

Liliana Grigoriu “Transformation Systems Semantics and Compositionality of Algebraic Petri Nets”            Berlin : Techn. Univ. Berlin, Fakultät IV, Elektrotechnik und Informatik, 2002.Series:      Forschungsberichte der Fakultät IV, Elektrotechnik und Informatik, 2002,21. Print Book: link Worldcat:,

Book Chapter:

Liliana Grigoriu “Approximation for Scheduling on Parallel Machines with Fixed Jobs or Unavailability Periods”,   Scheduling Problems – New Applications and Trends,  70290: 1-17 (2019)


Liliana Grigoriu “Scheduling on parallel machines with variable availability patterns” doctoral thesis, University Politehnica Bucharest, October 2012

Liliana Grigoriu ”Multiprocessor scheduling with availability constraints”, Ph.D. Thesis, Texas A&M University, Mai 2010.

Liliana Grigoriu “Transformation Systems Semantics and Compositionality of Algebraic Petri Nets” Technical Report 2002-21, Technische Universität Berlin (also as Masters thesis, grade 1.0, best possible)

Course material, TU Berlin (contained some original research results in the area of formal semantics):

Hartmut Ehrig, Julia Padberg, Claudia Ermel and Liliana Grigoriu:  “Petrinetze: Modellierung, Strukturierung und Kompositionalität” 1999, class material (Skript) for the summer term of 1999


Reviewer: International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) 2004, Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS) 2004, Discrete Optimization, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Scheduling, Expert Systems with Applications



“Combinatorial Optimization at Work 2015”, September 28 – October 9, 2015, Zuse Institut Berlin, Berlin, Germany (took exam and obtained grade 1.7)

“Discrete Optimization and Network Flows”, June 24 – June 26, 2011 in Döllnsee, Schorfheide near Berlin, Germany

“Optimization and Data Science”, Spring School, March 13 – 17, 2017, Novi Sad, Serbia


(TU Berlin) Graph and Network Algorithms, Foundations of Statistics, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Programming Languages and Systems, Theoretical Computer Science: Algebra and Logics, Syntax Analysis, Modular Specification of Software Systems, Design of Software Infrastructures, Advanced Techniques of Functional Programming, Parallel Algorithms, Foundations of Rewrite Systems,  (Texas A&M) Optimization I, Optimization II, Numerical Analysis I, Combinatorics, Parallel Numerical Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Operating Systems, Compiler Design, Computer Architecture


German Operations Research Society, 2012, 2016, 2017


Scheduling on uniform processors with at most one downtime on each machine”, International Symposium for Mathematical Programming (ISMP),  Berlin,  August 19 – 24, 2012

Multiprocessor scheduling with availability constraints”, International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Hanover, September 4 – 6, 2012

Multiprocessor scheduling with fixed jobs or downtimes”, 26th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Rome, July 1 – 4 , 2013

Multiprocessor scheduling with fixed jobs or downtimes”, 11th  workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), June 23 – 29, 2013

Approximation for scheduling on  uniform processors with at most one downtime on each machine”, 11th  workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), La Roche en Ardennes, Belgium, June 8 – 12, 2015

“Scheduling on uniform nonsimultaneous parallel machines”, International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (OR-2016), Hamburg, August 30 – September 2, 2016

Linear-time approximation for minimum subset sum and subset sum”, Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP), Seeon-Seebrück, Germany, June 12-16, 2017

“Scheduling jobs and maintenance activities subject to job-dependent machine deteriorations” International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Berlin, Germany September 4 – 6, 2017


Fluent in German, English,  Romanian

Conversational French


10.1995 – 5.1996 Course for Volunteers in Christian Youth Work, YMCA Berlin

1998,1999: participated in Aga-Aga, the UNIX introduction class for incoming students at the Computer Science Department at the Technical University of Berlin

1996 – 2000 Participated in the leading and organization of a regularly meeting group within the YMCA Berlin and helped organizing meetings of a group for high-school attendants where people talked about subjects of general interest, and a canoe tour of 10 days in Sweden (as person responsible with the content and discussions part of the trip)

10.2023 – 6.2024 Psychological Teaching Module Levels I and II (Required as part of my employment agreement with National University of Science And Technology Politehnica Bucharest)

7.2017 – 10.2022 Training program as Psychological Advisor (Life Coach) at Impulse-Schule  Wuppertal, grade average 1.2, Final Exam with grade 1.1, Final Thesis on “Elements of Psychological Advising in the Orthodox Tradition”, grade 1.0  (982 hours according to transcript, included 3 in-person seminars)

Full list of publications

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