Lucian MihaiPhD Student and Assistant professor

areas of expertise
  • Automation
  • Robotics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • CAD Design
  • Electrical Engineering
  • BS,Robotics ,FIIR,National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucuresti
  • M.E,Advanced control of real-time systems ,FACS,National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucuresti
  • PHD, FACS,National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucuresti

The experience I have accrued over my college internships has allowed me to discover my passion for automation and flexible systems. This drove me to my current choice of master’s degree and PHD. I am a driven and curious person that wishes to always be learning.

“eu cu lumina mea sporesc a lumii taină –
și-ntocmai cum cu razele ei albe luna
nu micșorează, ci tremurătoare
mărește și mai tare taina nopții,
așa îmbogățesc și eu întunecata zare
cu largi fiori de sfânt mister
și tot ce-i neînțeles
se schimbă-n neînțelesuri și mai mari”
Lucian Blaga,” Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumii” (1919)

Before starting a bachelor’s degree in Robotics in 2016 I already had a deep interest in mechanical engineering. During that degree I started 2 internships at various industrial companies in Romania. There I had the pleasure of working not only with the integrated robots but also with the full flexible production lines they were integrated in. I next took on a role at an HVAC company that allowed to deepen my understanding of systems engineering and convinced me to move my field of interest to Automatics .I then began a masters in the field >this led me to begin my PHD In Systems engineering and allowed be to take on a teaching position.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the PRECIS office or submit an inquiry online.

The core purpose of PRECIS is to enhance its infrastructure within National University for Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, driving technological advancements and technological transfer for the development of innovative engineering products, processes and new generation technologies for a better future.
Our mission is to build a safe, supportive academic enrichment space where the engineering creators can go from ideea to product, from concept to prototype and beyond.

Ioan Stefan Sacala
President, PRECIS