Nicoleta ArghiraPhD, Associate Professor

areas of expertise
  • Process modelling and simulation
  • Power system automation and digitalization
  • Industrial data processing
  • Smart grid

PhD in System Engineering,
Master in Automation and Industrial Informatics, Faculty of Control System and Computer Science
Bachelor in Power Engineering, Faculty of Energy Engineering
National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB)

She holds a PhD degree (2012) from Politehnica Bucharest and she is a member of the Department of Industrial Automation and Informatics of the Faculty of Automatics and Computer Science since 2009. In 2011-2012 she was a visiting researcher in the field of energy prediction at Grenoble Institute of Technology, France. Her current interests includes control systems for industrial processes, automation for power systems, data analysis and digitalization of the energy sector. She has participated as member or project director in 13 research projects, co-author of 16 books and book chapters and over 50 scientific articles. She is also member of professional associations in the engineering field: IEEE Control Systems, Power and Energy, Automation and Robotics, Romanian Society of Automation and Technical Informatics (SRAIT), Association of Energy and Electrical Engineers (AIEE – founding member), CIGRE Romania.

”Collaboration and curiosity between people of different science fields brings progress and development” – Cleve Moler

Top publications

  • Arghira, N., Hawarah, L., Ploix, S., Jacomino, M., Prediction of appliances energy use in smart homes, ELSEVIER Energy Journal, Vol 48,  Iss. 1, pp 128-134, ISSN:  0360-5442, 2012

  • Stamatescu, I., Arghira, N., Fagarasan, I., Stamatescu, G., Iliescu, S.S., Calofir, V., Decision Support System for a Low Voltage Renewable Energy System, ENERGIES Journal, Vol. 10(1), Article Number: 118, DOI: 10.3390/en10010118, Jan 2017

  • Arghira N., Fagarasan I., Nichiforov C., Iliescu S.St., Stamatescu I., Calofir V., Ignat N., Demand Dispatch for the Distribution Grid – A proposal for the Romanian Power System, Proc. of 22nd International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), 28-01 May 2019, eISBN: 978-1-7281-2331-8, pp 342-346, Bucharest, 2019

  • Marius-Alexandru DOBREA, Sergiu-Stelian ILIESCU, Nicoleta ARGHIRA, Mihaela VASLUIANU, Modeling of a Hybrid Controller for Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Using Photovoltaic Panels, Studies in Information and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol 32, no 4, Page27-35, 2023

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Our mission is to build a safe, supportive academic enrichment space where the engineering creators can go from ideea to product, from concept to prototype and beyond.

Ioan Stefan Sacala
President, PRECIS