Razvan Victor RughinisProf. dr. ing.

areas of expertise
  • Cyber-security
  • Privacy
  • Data Science
  • Internet of Things
  • Ethics of Digital Technologies


Răzvan Rughiniș is a professor at the Faculty of Automation and Computers at UNSTPB and a co-founder of the Innovation Labs accelerator. His research and courses focus on cybersecurity, privacy, and the Internet of Things. He is dedicated to creating communities and fostering long-term trajectories for learning and innovation.

Ideas are useless unless used. (T. Levitt)

Răzvan Rughiniș is a university professor in the Department of Computer Science at UNSTPB, with extensive experience in research, teaching, coordinating study programs, and supervising doctoral theses in the fields of cyber-security, privacy, and the Internet of Things. He has participated in prestigious cybersecurity conferences, such as the IDC Security Forum, Critical Infrastructure Protection Forum, and The New Global Challenges in Cyber Security – CERTCON. Răzvan Rughiniș is the (co-)author of over 150 scientific papers on cybersecurity, data protection, and human-computer interaction, published over the past 10 years in leading journals and conferences, including Computers & Security, Electronics, Ethics of Information Technology, ACM SIGSPATIAL, CODASPY, ACM-CHI, ACM-AltChi, CSCL, and HCI.

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The core purpose of PRECIS is to enhance its infrastructure within National University for Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, driving technological advancements and technological transfer for the development of innovative engineering products, processes and new generation technologies for a better future.
Our mission is to build a safe, supportive academic enrichment space where the engineering creators can go from ideea to product, from concept to prototype and beyond.

Ioan Stefan Sacala
President, PRECIS