Theodor Gabriel NicuPhD Candidate, Teaching Assistant, Engineer

areas of expertise
  • Motion Planning
  • Optimization
  • Control Theory
  • System Modeling
  • Signal Processing

MSc and BSc Degrees in the Systems Engineering Domain

I am currently a PhD Student and Teaching Assistant in the Automatic Control and Systems Engineering Department of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UNSTPB). I received the BSc and MSc degrees in the Systems Engineering domain from the Politehnica University of Bucharest, in 2020 and 2022, respectively. My current research interests focus on Mixed-Integer Representations, the Artificial Potential Field approach for obstacle collision avoidance algorithms and also B-Spline representations.

“As engineers, we were going to be in a position to change the world – not just study it.” – Henry Petroski

I am currently a PhD Candidate and Teaching Assistant in the Automatic Control and Systems Engineering Department of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UNSTPB). I received the BSc and MSc degrees in the Systems Engineering domain from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, in 2020 and 2022, respectively. Prior to that, I worked for Honeywell Romania in 2019 as a member of the Global Engineering Services Department (more precisely, as a Software Engineering Intern).
In this timespan (2019-present), I have also participated as a member in numerous research projects, such as:
– “Reliable motion planning for systems under uncertainties” – this project also involved a research visit in France, in the LCIS Laboratory (Grenoble INP-Esisar, Valence);
– “Detect-AI – In-flight failure prediction using Artificial Intelligence” –concluded with a technical report for the European Space Agency;
– “Moment matching Loopshaping Techniques for Time-Delay Systems”.
During this period, I published a series of papers which include results obtained in the aforementioned projects, namely:
– “A mixed-integer MPC with polyhedral potential field cost for obstacle avoidance” – in the proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference;
– ”Polyhedral potential field constructions for obstacle avoidance in a receding horizon formulation” – in the proceedings of the 18th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications and Optimization;
– ”Smooth approximation of polyhedral potential field in NMPC for obstacle avoidance” – in the proceedings of the 2023 European Control Conference.
As a Teaching Assistant in the Automatic Control and Systems Engineering Department (UNSTPB), I am currently in charge of the Signals and Systems, Optimal Control, and Optimal Configuration of Automatic Systems laboratories.

Top publications

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Our mission is to build a safe, supportive academic enrichment space where the engineering creators can go from ideea to product, from concept to prototype and beyond.

Ioan Stefan Sacala
President, PRECIS