Innovative Services Laboratory for Smart, Digital and Collaborative Future Society

The laboratory provides the necessary framework for research, design for performance, case studies, technological development in the field of innovative services for the intelligent, digital and collaborative society of the future. Research team has a very good experience in Big Data processing, distributed data management, resource management for large scale systems, data mining, developing and testing with cyber-infrastructure, monitoring large scale distributed systems, and cost optimization for data storage and processing. Research topics addressed are:

  • Large-scale distributed systems (design and performance analysis), Platform Services for Computing Continuum;
  • Advanced resource management in distributed systems;
  • Edge Computing and planning in heterogeneous environments;
  • Design and analysis of Peer-to-Peer systems;
  • Trust systems, reputation for data security;
  • Big Data management, storage and processing, Aggregation, data distillation, advanced real-time analysis methods;
  • Solutions for data processing and storage in Smart Cities;
  • Optimization methods (nature-inspired methods).

Research services that can be provided + completed projects:

  • Development of applications and services on Cloud technology;
  • Simulation methods for large-scale distributed systems;
  • Adaptive algorithms for resource planning and management;
  • Platforms and support services based on the Cloud model for data collection and storage in heterogeneous environments;
  • Decision-making algorithms for support applications in Smart Cities;
  • Prediction services for time series (data series);
  • Support solutions for optimizing resource consumption.

Research Projects (10+ Million Euro managed funds):

  1. CORAL – Resilient and secure portable system for migrating data to the cloud (RO: Sistem portabil rezilient și securizat pentru migrarea datelor în cloud)
  2. INFRAINS – Development of the national spatial information infrastructure, CDI component (Ro:Realizarea infrastructurii naționale de informații spațiale, componenta CDI) –
  3. COLGS-RO – Expansion of national infrastructure participating in the European collaborative ground segment (RO:Extinderea infrastructurii naționale participantă la segmentul de sol colaborativ European)
  4. NetZeRoCities – National Center of Competences and Solutions for the Development of Climate-Neutral Smart Cities (RO: Centrul Național de Competențe și soluții pentru dezvoltarea orașelor inteligente neutre climatic), Specific component project: Climate-Neutral Governance –
  5. ODIN112 – Real-time speech-to-text transcription computer system for Romanian language and recognition of emotional states in 112 emergency calls (RO: Sistem informatic de transcriere în timp real a vorbirii în text pentru limba română și recunoașterea stărilor emoționale în apelurile de urgență 112)
  6. SPERO – Space technologies in the management of major disasters and crises, manifested at local, national and regional levels (RO: Tehnologii spațiale în managementul dezastrelor și crizelor majore, manifestate la nivel local, național și regional)
  7. DECIP – Developing the Institutional Capacity of the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest (RO: Dezvoltarea Capacitatii Institutionale a Universitatii POLITEHNICA din Bucuresti)
  8. FARGO – Federated learning for human mobilityFederated learning for human mobility (RO: Învățare federată pentru mobilitate umană)
  9. EduCEC – Modern distributed platform for educational applications in Cloud Edge Continuum environments
  10. RoCo – Development of new computational linguistic resources for the Romanian language (RO: Dezvoltarea unor resurse lingvistice computaționale noi pentru limba română)
  11. DEPLATFORM – Smart system for analyzing and stopping antisocial behavior in online communities (RO: Sistem interactiv inteligent pentru detecția veridicității știrilor publicate pe platformele sociale)
  12. Intelligent interactive system for detecting the veracity of news published on social platforms,
  13. TEL-MONAER – Mobile air quality telemonitoring system (RO: Sistem mobil de telemonitorizare a calității aerului)
  14. ForestMon – Sistem software experimental în arhitectura Cloud pentru monitorizarea acoperirii cu vegetațielemnoasă, ”Ecosistem de cercetare, inovare și dezvoltare de produse și servicii TIC pentru o societate conectată la Internet of Things –NETIO”
  15. CRESCDI – „Susținerea creșterii capacității instituționale de cercetare a Uinversității Politehnica București”
  16. ROBIN-Cloud – Platformă informatică distribuită pentru sisteme pervasive, în contextul sistemelor Cloud-Edge, ), Proiect component 5
  17. DataWay – Real-time Data Processing Platform for Smart Cities: Making sense of Big Data(Ro: Platformăde Procesare în Timp Real pentru Big Data în Orașe Inteligente)
  18. SideSTEP – Scheduling Methods for Dynamic Distributed Systems: a self-* approach (Ro: Metode de Planificare pentru Sisteme Distribuite Dinamice: o Abordare Adaptivă)
  19. ClueFarm – Information system based on cloud services, accessible through mobile devices, for qualityimprovement of products and business development în farms(Ro: Sistem informatic bazat pe servicii cloud,accesibile prin dispozitive mobile, pentru cresterea calitatii produselor si dezvoltarea afacerilor fermelor agricole)
  20. MobyWay – Mobility Beyond Individualism: an Integrated Platform for Intelligent Transportation Systems of Tomorrow(Ro: Platformă Integrată pentru Sistemele de Transport Inteligent ale Viitorului)
  21. CYBERWATER -Prototype Cyberinfrastructure-based System for Decision-Making Support in Water Resources Management (CyberWater: Sistem pilot bazat pe infrastructura cibernetica pentru asistarea luarii deciziilor in managementul resurselor de apa)
  • Logistic infrastructure: 20 workstations with access to Cloud platforms, with simulation tools installed, office automation;
  • Software infrastructure: Cloud development environments, Cloud application platforms.
  • For research activities and collaborations, this laboratory also utilizes rooms PR 601, PR606 and PR 607 and associated equipments
  • Habil. Dr. Ing Florin POP – head of the laboratory
  • Habil. Dr. Ing. Ciprian-Mihai DOBRE
  • Habil. Dr. Ing. Radu-Ioan CIOBANU
  • Dr. Ing. Cătălin NEGRU
  • Habil. Dr. Ing. Elena-Simona APOSTOL
  • Dr. Ing. Bogdan-Costel MOCANU
  • Dr. Ing. Ciprian-Octavian TRUICĂ
  • Ing. Ion-Dorinel FILIP
  • Ing. Claudia IFRIM
  • Ing. Răzvan-Constantin STOLERIU

How can we help you?

Contact us at the PRECIS office or submit an inquiry online.

The core purpose of PRECIS is to enhance its infrastructure within National University for Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, driving technological advancements and technological transfer for the development of innovative engineering products, processes and new generation technologies for a better future.
Our mission is to build a safe, supportive academic enrichment space where the engineering creators can go from ideea to product, from concept to prototype and beyond.

Ioan Stefan Sacala
President, PRECIS