Innovative Products for Mobile Systems and Services

Our laboratory conducts advanced research in the fields of embedded systems and the Internet of Things. Our multidisciplinary team consists of experienced faculty members from the Faculty of Automation and Computers at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, as well as passionate young researchers, doctoral students, and master’s students from the same institution.
Research Services Offered + Completed Projects
Our laboratory offers specialized research services in the development of firmware and operating systems optimized for embedded and IoT devices. Through our experience in wearable technologies and in the acquisition and processing of data from such devices, we can create customized solutions that meet the most demanding requirements in terms of low power consumption. We also focus on designing scalable embedded systems and developing machine learning (ML) applications adapted for platforms with limited resources, thus ensuring optimal performance even in extreme operating conditions.
- TinySense – Detection of vehicle presence, weather conditions in the open field with devices with unlimited battery life
- FPGA ATtiny20 RISC V CPU implementation: *Implementation of an ATtiny20 RISC V processor on a Nexys A7 FPGA
- CityAirQ – mobile air pollution monitoring system
- MicroSal – Dental implant with contact nano-sensors for the treatment of xerostomia
- Geo-dynamic monitoring using wireless sensor networks
- Dan Tudose
- Laura Dragomir
- Daniel Dosaru
- George Grosu
- Radu Pascale
- Farhad Ali Gul
- Mihnea Dinica
- Denisa Popescu
- Madalina Nuta
- Andreea Miu