Knowledge Management in Healthcare and Life SciencesDigital Medicine

Our lab is equipped with modern technology needed for conducting courses and research projects. This lab includes 22 laptops for student use, networking equipment, dedicated software, and other specific tools necessary for various experiments and practical work (2 drones and a 3D printer).

- Research services: multiple and diverse, primarily in the life sciences field (medicine, biotechnology/bioinformatics, etc.)
- List of projects implemented in the lab:
- “Creating Virtual Reality e-resources for European Sustainable Education in Circular Bioeconomy with Bio-based Products,” Contract No: 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063773, value: €61,074, Partners: RO, ES, BE
- “Boosting Sustainable Digital Education for European Universities (BoostEdU),” Contract No: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000089861, value: €63,260, Partners: RO, CZ, NO, IS
- “Fostering Transversal Digital Competences in Higher Education,” Contract No: 2020-1-CZ01-KA226-HE-094408, value: €48,500, Partners: ES, RO, BE, SL, LT
- “Gender, Digitalization, Green: Ensuring a Sustainable Future for All in Europe,” Contract No: 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000154433, value: €52,000, Partners: RO, UKR, ES, PT
- Mihai Caramihai
- Ioan Dumitrache
- Ioan Sacala
- Mihnea Moisescu
- Sanda Osiceanu
- Janetta Culita
- Dragos Popescu
- Luiza Burlacu
- Andrei Mateescu
- Ioana Stefan
- Miruna Vlasceanu
- Cerasela Ceapa
- Daniel Chis
- Anitta Froicu